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Posted: 2003-12-07 16:02
by Knowing
还没看,不过估计不能幸免,有两个女朋友早尖叫着说要去看"留胡胡的汤哥哥"。我企图打击她们,说:难道你们不知道他其实是gay? 她们说:别胡说,他是个bi . 很坚定拥趸的样子。
其实就看看电影儿预告,用大脚趾一猜 都知道是怎么回事儿。汤率哥从战俘身份接触到武士道文化,在病/疗伤期间照料他的穿和服妞儿发生感情,被博大精深的东方武术弄了一晕一晕的,彻底归化了,为挽救传统作出了伟大的贡献。
今天读new yorker 的时候读到评论,哇,果然不出我所料唉。影评写的挺逗的。摘一点儿,全文连接在下面。
In brief, “The Last Samurai” is an example of the bizarre logic of Old Hollywood, in which tens of millions of dollars are spent on authentic rice paper and functioning waterwheels in order to prop up an entertaining but entirely inauthentic fantasy─an American showing up to revive the samurai tradition.
Algren(Tom Cruise's character) has slain Taka's husband, and Taka, nursing the American back to health, quivers in ecstasies of masochistic devotion. Zwick (Director) can't find anything fresh in this deeply pious East-meets-West stuff.
At the end, Algren, on his knees, presents Katsumoto’s sword to the Emperor, and the Emperor is so moved that he ends his pro-Western modernization policies on the spot. As he renews his embrace of the Bushido code─the moment is meant to be unspeakably noble─my colleague Owen Gleiberman (of Entertainment Weekly) leaned over and said, “This way of thinking led to the destruction of Japan in the Second World War.” If a fatal irony was intended there, Zwick certainly doesn’t let us know about it. ... rci_cinema

Posted: 2003-12-07 22:46
by karen
那天在电影院里看到preview, 看阿汤哥挥刀笑得我,朋友说这就是个redneck karate movie。 :D

Posted: 2003-12-07 23:13
by grass
我看了,虽然我不是极端抵制日本的,还是觉得坐那儿看两小时人家日本人如何的英勇顽强精神境界高,挺隔膜的感觉,没劲.而且我本来也对阿汤哥不感冒.某人对此特吃惊,他以为是女的都喜欢阿汤哥,由此推论的话,他是女的,我不是 :(

Posted: 2003-12-08 3:01
由此看来我也不是女的,而且还有很多不是女的的女的。 :wink:

Posted: 2003-12-08 9:50
by helenClaire
汤姆克鲁斯年轻的时候,我还是喜欢过的。在<<鸡尾酒>><<TOP GUN>>里,他的蓝眼睛会劈里啪啦地放电。

Posted: 2003-12-08 9:53
by DeBeers
昨晚还瞄了眼他的a few good men,天,不止他好看,demi moore那时候真年轻漂亮。

Posted: 2003-12-08 10:07
by 笑嘻嘻
<<TOP GUN>> 是我看的汤帅哥的第一部片子,由此我认为他不好看,某人认为他好看得很。 :wink:

Posted: 2003-12-08 10:19
by Knowing

Posted: 2003-12-08 10:27
by helenClaire
因为你跟汤哥没有在合适的时间合适的年龄相遇。。。 :shock:

Posted: 2003-12-08 10:33
by DeBeers
我大概是16,7岁第一次看top gun,就触电了,后来断断续续看了差不多10几遍,那大概是十分合适的时间 :P

Posted: 2003-12-08 12:01
by 老麦
:lol: 兴奋的冲进来与钻石握手,偶大学期间看过top gun上天入地的找阿汤同志的电影,揪着每一个身边的朋友共同垂涎帅哥

偶对帅哥的爱好与对阿汤同志的热爱究竟是鸡生蛋还是蛋生鸡 :roll:

Posted: 2003-12-08 12:22
by DeBeers
握手 :lol:

Posted: 2003-12-08 13:06
by 猫猫

Posted: 2003-12-08 13:11
by 猫猫

Posted: 2003-12-08 18:08
by lavender
象武士道和Kill Bill这种人头滚滚的片子我是没法看的,神经脆弱。这个除了chop peoples' heads off 还有剖腹,日本人有够变态。
不知道是不是跟The Last of the Mohicans有点像?白人归化为印第安人。那个片子也血腥的很。

Posted: 2003-12-08 18:37
by ruby
我倒是喜欢阿汤的:为了他留小平头的那股英气(TOP GUN, COCKTAIL)。我是那种喜欢上就坚持到底的(仅限CELEBRITIES),所以到现在听人说阿汤迟暮之类的话也会辩白几句。另一个例子是刘德华,自从初1(2?)看猎鹰时被他一个孤寂抽烟毅然抛烟头的镜头电到后,到现在有小刘的片子,也翻来看,当然看到烂片也是一样骂的。

小汤这部片子我是不看的,谁让它讲的是武士道呢,不过KNOWING贴的这段影评真正是精彩。还有TRAILER里那个日本妹妹倒是个美人,偶以为气质和CRUZ有一点点像。多8卦句:我从来看KIDMAN不顺眼,CRUZ倒是一眼就喜欢上,不过虽然她当年在西班牙拍的片子都不错,这几年在HOLLYWOOD拍的可不出彩,尤以那部和水管工MATT DAMON演的为最---我老人家看了15分钟就忍无可忍了。

Posted: 2003-12-08 18:45
by 山茶
看来我看得日剧还真不少,那个女的叫小雪, 她的日剧我看过两部,都演的知识女性。

Posted: 2003-12-08 18:49
by 小涵
当年偶个子更矮一些的时候还是稀饭过他滴, 比如top gun, far and away... 现在偶的个子依然很矮,但已经觉得他太矮乐, 扫吧扫吧就把他扫出了稀饭的队伍.

Posted: 2003-12-08 19:20
by 豪情
我看汤SG在雨人和TOP GUN的时候真是惊为天人, 大概也和年龄有关. 象HELEN说的"合适的时候合适的人" :oops: 我对他和对刘偶像的态度一样, 年轻的时候喜欢不需要理由.

Posted: 2003-12-08 19:51
by Facility
靓汤年轻那阵是不错滴,现在嘛 :roll:

Posted: 2003-12-09 14:22
by Elysees
8 1 8, I am pretty interested in the topic that he is actually A GAY :shock: :shock:
Is he really a gay? :?: Isn't he still with Penelope Cruz now?
:oops: :oops: :oops:

Posted: 2003-12-10 7:06
by js

Posted: 2003-12-10 9:36
by Elysees
//nod, nod, I like Nicole much better :D
But this Penelope Cruz is very hot.......I just can't imagine a gay being with her :roll:
By the by, it looks to me that ever since Penelope is with Tom Cruiz, she no longer plays in any movie but Tom Cruiz's girlfriend....

Posted: 2003-12-10 12:55
by js

Posted: 2003-12-10 12:59
by DeBeers

Posted: 2003-12-10 16:05
by 笑嘻嘻
我深深地思考,你说的这个是不是中文翻叫《纯真岁月》,她演4姐妹里最小的那个? :wink:
她演了方方?不会吧?她是里面谁呀?芳芳里两个美女都比她好看。 :x

Posted: 2003-12-10 16:10
by 豪情

Posted: 2003-12-10 16:16
by 花差花差小将军
我从来没有稀饭过他,还有,他挑女人的track record可真没品

Posted: 2003-12-10 16:32
by 笑嘻嘻
是个西班牙片子,让人笑掉大牙的。一点也不严肃。我看的是中文字幕的,所以不认得原名。原名是belle 啥啥啥。不是THE AGE OF INNOCENCE或者LITTLE WOMEN。嗯,也许翻译的不叫纯真年代,叫美好年代。我年纪大了,记性不好,也是有的。
那个老四是干瘪瘪的,helen如果你的 :oops: 是因为想起这个片子,那么我们看的是一个片子。不过我不知道有没有外语奖。

Posted: 2003-12-10 21:44
by ruby
笑嘻嘻 wrote:是个西班牙片子,让人笑掉大牙的。一点也不严肃。我看的是中文字幕的,所以不认得原名。原名是belle 啥啥啥。不是THE AGE OF INNOCENCE或者LITTLE WOMEN。嗯,也许翻译的不叫纯真年代,叫美好年代。我年纪大了,记性不好,也是有的。
那个老四是干瘪瘪的,helen如果你的 :oops: 是因为想起这个片子,那么我们看的是一个片子。不过我不知道有没有外语奖。

google: "Pe, as she is nicknamed, may not have her high school diploma, but she does have 4 years of Theatre training from Cristina Rota's school in New York. After having studied drama, and with 10 years of classical ballet training and 3 years of Spanish ballet training, Penelope was ready to take her performing skills to the camera."


Posted: 2003-12-10 22:49
by 豪情
我早看出来了, 是名字来的 :wink:

Posted: 2003-12-11 3:59
by js
nonono, not that film u talk about. the one i know is something about sex and realationship.
and the film fanfan, i mean the new one, not the old one.

Posted: 2003-12-11 8:33
by Elysees
js wrote:nonono, not that film u talk about. the one i know is something about sex and realationship.
and the film fanfan, i mean the new one, not the old one.
You meant the movie that was played by Sophie Marceau ???? :shock: :shock: :shock:
There's another version now? And Penelope plays whom Sophie Marceau used to play :shock: :shock: :evil: :evil:

Posted: 2003-12-11 8:52
by DeBeers
not that Fanfan. I searched IMDB, and found Cruz is in a film "Fanfan la tulipe" where Fanfan is a guy :lol:

Posted: 2003-12-11 10:22
by js
我哪个也没看过。 :oops:
钻石贴的这个就是新片子的广告,这个片子原版好像是老早之前排的,记得看过一眼老版本的广告,里面的男猪脚算得漂亮。 8)

Posted: 2003-12-11 22:07
by Elysees
好像有点儿跑题了....不过,那个演印度支那的男演员,也是演芳芳的男主角。他真的很帅很帅呀 :oops:

Posted: 2003-12-12 3:27
by js

Posted: 2003-12-12 8:52
by Elysees
帅a~ 帅 a~
He generally plays in French movies, Indochine, Fanfan, Le Reine Margot , etc, etc. :oops:
Last year he played a vampire in Queen of the Damn.... Not very handsome in the movie. :cry:
His eyes are very special, I can't tell what exactly it is. But they are certainly very charming...
Google le goole, his name is Vincent Perez

Posted: 2003-12-16 6:39
by liyue
该帅哥的头发倒真配的上"Look how his hair is thinning" :-D