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Joined: 2004-12-24 15:49


Post by water » 2006-05-09 13:22

Has anyone seen this? I must have run into too many negative news recently. Sometimes I can't help but wondering what is the meaing of bringing life to this world when most of the people are not even quite sure meaning of their life. :f22: :f22: :f22:

This kid killed her mother. In her blog, her mother was always in anger, criticizing almost everything in America, very insecure with money, and blamed her financial burden on her daughter. I got to say some chinese parents around me fall into this description.
What's worse, she punished her daughter by forcing her to stand, naked, in front of the mirror.


(By Anthony Tao, KCCJ reporter, August 26, 2005) On the evening of Friday, Aug. 19, an Overland Park girl stabbed and killed her mother, Shuyi Zhang, 55, in their home on the 5600 block of West 125th Street.

Esmie Tseng, 16, a Blue Valley North High School junior, was taken into custody after police found her at the scene. She has been charged with first-degree murder and prosecutors have requested she be tried as an adult. Since the incident, Tseng's father, Tao Tseng, has not appeared in public or made any statements. As of Thursday, efforts to contact him have been unsuccessful.

Matricides are rare in the United States, even more so when the assailant is a girl. According to Paul Mones in the 1991 book When a Child Kills, only four out of every 100 cases of parricide involve a daughter killing her mother.

News of this particular incident left the community bewildered. Several of Tseng's classmates described her as a smart and friendly girl who was a skilled pianist - "She could have played professionally", a schoolmate said. Tseng was an honor roll student and part of the gifted program.

"(The initial response) was probably more surprise, and then it was grief," said BVN principal Dr. Carter Burns Jr. "There're a lot of feelings for the family. It's a very tragic situation."

BVN opened Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to offer counseling services. On Monday all teachers at the school read a statement to their students explaining the situation.

But the astonishment was not limited to Blue Valley students.

"I was just completely shocked," said Jake Schumaker, 19, a college sophomore who said he has spoken online with Tseng about three times a week for the past nine months. He described her as a "really cool, down to earth, smart, reasonable" girl who could talk about the worldly and trivial, from the philosophy of life to the movie Fight Club.

Schumaker learned about the incident on Sunday from one of Tseng's online blogs. On her two personal Web sites, Tseng wrote verse, shared her ideas and divulged private secrets. She also documented family problems and revealed she had a volatile relationship with her mom. By Sunday, parts of Tseng's writing had been quoted by certain news outlets.

One of Tseng's blogs received more than 100 messages, mostly words of encouragement from friends. But there were also comments that were derisive, insensitive and vulgar.

On Monday, one of Tseng’s close friends took Tseng's Web sites offline.

"Esmie's name has been made into a joke, and I hate to hear the ridicule," the friend said on condition of anonymity.

The friend also disclaimed rumors of Tseng’s erratic behavior, drug abuse and early leave from school Friday, as some have reported.

Burns confirmed that Tseng was not sent home Friday. Still, there remain more unanswered questions than answers.

Many of Tseng's friends contacted for this story did not respond.

"The bottom line is she seemed like a really normal, smart, cool person," Schumaker said. "I never would have expected something like this to happen to her."

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