Search found 22182 matches

by Jun
2004-10-04 12:55
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 写哪儿算哪儿的闲话 (林黛玉)
Replies: 29
Views: 32714

DOn't you think it's a bit unfair? It takes two to breed. Some men, if not all, also have a stake in passing along their genes. Of course, a rational man should first select a woman who are interested in passing along her genes as well, then invest in this process. A rational woman should adopt cont...
by Jun
2004-10-04 12:21
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 写哪儿算哪儿的闲话 (林黛玉)
Replies: 29
Views: 32714

我是激进派支持堕胎的, 但是在这里且当一回魔鬼代言人: 生育固然是女人吃苦受累, 但是这受精卵有父亲的一半DNA, 大多数时候如果男方想要孩子, 女方还用得着堕胎么? 但是偶尔也有男方想要孩子的, 母亲是否应该至少知会父亲一声, 给他一个养育孩子的选择?
by Jun
2004-10-04 10:12
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 伪读书
Replies: 55
Views: 45258

昨晚才看见某书里说: Beware of the one-book people. 不过它警告的是只读圣经可兰经这类书的人. 都一样. 只读只信仰一本书的人, says the book, tend to close their minds to other thoughts and ideas and perspectives.
by Jun
2004-10-04 5:43
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 出乖露怯及教训
Replies: 17
Views: 22968

by Jun
2004-10-01 12:50
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: This really happened!
Replies: 32
Views: 29236

如果John Kerry还是一个刚刚从战场上回来的热血青年, 满脑子里装的不是党内指导员的统计数字和竞选战略, 背后没有出了钱等他帮忙说话的各色人等, 眼睛里盯的不是民意调查的指数, 他或许会很有逻辑地说: 我们TMD根本就没有正当理由跟伊拉克打仗, 我投票支持出兵纯粹是政治手段, 我怕我的选民以为我不爱国. 其实你们这些人都是吓得半死受人利用的白痴. 谁会吃饱了撑的, 笨到去跟北韩动武? 你以为我们真有胆子把中国惹毛了吗? 别说他们手里有货真价实的核武器(而不是我们硬给他们栽的赃), 就是往我们这些政治家口袋里装钱的大老板们也不打印啊. 跟中国打仗, 谁给Wal-Mart, Target, ...
by Jun
2004-10-01 9:48
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: This really happened!
Replies: 32
Views: 29236

I prefer The [Emmy Award Winning] Daily Show with Jon Stewart and the online joke magazine The Onion. These are hilarious takes on politics, society, entertainment, life, and the stupidity of people in general.
by Jun
2004-10-01 9:22
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: This really happened!
Replies: 32
Views: 29236

Geez, Cava you put words in my mouth. I just did not care to waste time on predictable mundane fake unentertaining stuff like the presidential debate.
by Jun
2004-10-01 9:12
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: This really happened!
Replies: 32
Views: 29236

I didn't watch the debate and wasn't even interested. What were they going to say that would enlighten me? OTOH, I'd like to watch the Cheney--Edwards debate. It would be like watching Darth Vader -- so evil that it's entertaining.
by Jun
2004-10-01 9:00
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: This really happened!
Replies: 32
Views: 29236

I'm sure most middle Americans prefer a leader who says "nuculer" rather than one who actually earned his degree at Harvard.
by Jun
2004-10-01 8:45
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 伪读书
Replies: 55
Views: 45258

如果老读一本书或一个作家的书, 有什么意思? 就好象年年旅游都去Las Vegas, 不闷死了? 有点好奇心的人, 都会想四处捅一捅, 看看能不能发现新东西. 问题是有些人年纪一大, 脑子就僵化了, 呆在舒服安全的窝里不想动, 杀死自己的好奇心. 但是在许多作家里发现几个特别投契的, 那简直是一定的. 不过要是喜欢的是STEPHEN KING或古龙甚至倪匡这类作家, 追着读全集可够花工夫的, 比我追着读Raymond Chandler要耗时耗力多了. 我特别不同意纯功利性的读书建议. 功利性的书我也读, 象如何理财如何做菜什么的, 但是光为了"出人投地"或者高人一等而读书是多么无聊的事啊. 成...
by Jun
2004-10-01 5:25
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 伪读书
Replies: 55
Views: 45258

我希望永远也不达到第三境界. 我不批判自己水平低, 而窃以为发明第三境界的人不过是偷懒不爱读书又找借口罢了. 呸.
by Jun
2004-09-30 12:25
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: This really happened!
Replies: 32
Views: 29236

This really happened!

Sent to me from a friend. Ok, so the Bush family was yesterday on Dr. Phil show.....there's an article about it in the but I just copied you the last part....Here's a question that phil had about oral sex IT'S A CLASSIC RESPONSE!!! TOO FUNNY Dr. Phil: "If there was something you could say t...
by Jun
2004-09-29 14:19
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 伪读书
Replies: 55
Views: 45258

The revelation for me is not just that DH Lawrence was homosexual, but also about myself. Maugham and DHL were two of my favorite authors in my teenage years. Now I finally understand why all my romantic relationships and my perspective for men as mates are so screwed up. Look where I learned about ...
by Jun
2004-09-29 13:39
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 鹿鼎记饭厅 (short sharp choke)
Replies: 10
Views: 11995

Last time I heard, someone really WAS working on a translation. Not sure if he has completed it. The title is The Deer Cauldron.
by Jun
2004-09-28 15:16
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 伪读书
Replies: 55
Views: 45258

HELEN 你别理我, 继续聊啊. 你总是引发我各种各样的胡思乱想.
by Jun
2004-09-28 15:06
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 伪读书
Replies: 55
Views: 45258

大概我心里总不能把911跟世界大战或文革这种事类比起来的缘故. 我没有那种生活在废墟的感觉, 而是更象在粘稠的温吞的死水中被包围, 窒息在quiet desperation中. 没有惊天动地的大喜或大悲或者存在主义的顿悟, 只是卑微的无病呻吟的磨蚀而已.
by Jun
2004-09-28 14:57
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 伪读书
Replies: 55
Views: 45258

为什么这么说呢? 他的话放在那时, 我很能理解, 是一战以后吧? 那时人们的确有种劫后余生, 原有的社会结构被整个翻倒过来的感觉. 现在似乎有点不一样. 我倒觉得现在人的心理就是在每日的营营役役中挣扎存活不愿也不能远望(向前或向后看)的迷糊度日. 我们的时代是没有感慨没有总结没有方向没有共同感的时代, 人和人之间象星星一样的遥远 (DHL好象用过这个比方的).
by Jun
2004-09-28 14:53
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 伪读书
Replies: 55
Views: 45258

扯一句DHL, Helen 别介意. 最近听说他原来也是同性恋, 心想原来如此, 不是没有道理的. 可见一个人结婚与否是说明不了问题的, 尤其是在某些时代. 倒让我好奇心中国文人里哪些是真同性恋的.
by Jun
2004-09-28 6:07
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: Viggo Mortensen sighting (Elysees请进)
Replies: 6
Views: 10720

Gallery展出开场的时候, 他本人不会出席么?
by Jun
2004-09-27 10:22
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: Viggo Mortensen sighting (Elysees请进)
Replies: 6
Views: 10720

Viggo Mortensen sighting (Elysees请进)

一个同事今天兴冲冲地跑进我的办公室, 手里举着一张Mortensen的照片. 她昨天去新开的American Indian Museum参观, 撞上了他, 激动地拍了这张照片. 没有保镖, 没有assistant, 没有围观群众, 没有entourage, 他请她悄悄地拍张照就完了, 别声张. 同事说Mortensen很瘦, 个子不太高, 很低调也很和气, 自己在售票处的窗口拿表演的票子, 旁边有个白发的女士. 如果她把照片scan了, 我请她发一张给我, 我传给你. 对了, 她跟Mortensen聊天的时候听说他在本地的一个小gallery (Addison Ripley on Wiscon...
by Jun
2004-09-27 8:57
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 2则
Replies: 20
Views: 25630

蚕, 我没看明白你所指的"特殊状态"是什么.
by Jun
2004-09-27 5:44
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 2则
Replies: 20
Views: 25630

换成Lolita式的老头和少女, 人们一致唾弃; 性别调换, 大家纷纷猎奇. 为啥呢? 或许有"狗咬人不是新闻人咬狗才上头条"的成份吧. 而且大众一般觉得女性和sexual predator 的形象拉不到一起. 其实, 少女性成熟早, 男孩子更容易在心理和感情上被成人控制.
by Jun
2004-09-27 5:34
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 后悔
Replies: 44
Views: 46222

椰子肉里有很多椰子油, 而椰子油和棕榈油都是saturated fat, 饱和脂肪, 会让胆固醇升高, 比吃牛排还不好.

杏仁, 核桃仁, 葵花子仁等干果仁含大量的unsaturated fat (mono or poly), 不饱和脂肪, 能降低LDL cholesterol, 提高HDL cholesterol, 是好脂肪, 但是它们热量奇高, 一小把就二三百卡下去了.
by Jun
2004-09-24 13:17
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 后悔
Replies: 44
Views: 46222

No beef for Hindis, but probably OK for muslims.

Come to think of it, I remember eating a really really delicious oxtail stew at an Indian restaurant. It's not mainstream Indian, but a regional Indian cuisine, closer to Pakistani.
by Jun
2004-09-24 12:13
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 后悔
Replies: 44
Views: 46222

I like them all, which is my demise... :-(

I love anything made with coconut, unfortunately it is really unhealthy (worse than steak).
by Jun
2004-09-24 8:51
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 后悔
Replies: 44
Views: 46222

我现在已经不敢去吃印度菜buffet了, 因为每次去吃都会撑得要命. 印度的面饼, 伊朗的米饭, 唉, 每次都吃过头.
by Jun
2004-09-23 16:26
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 关于运动员服药的文章(转贴自New England Journal of Medicine)
Replies: 4
Views: 8196

From Washington Post. Cycling's Hamilton to Keep Gold By Jonathan Fowler Associated Press Thursday, September 23, 2004; 3:10 PM GENEVA -- Tyler Hamilton will keep his Olympic cycling gold medal because a backup drug test was inconclusive, the International Olympic Committee said Thursday. Hamilton t...
by Jun
2004-09-23 12:28
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 撞车随感
Replies: 13
Views: 16460

by Jun
2004-09-23 12:14
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: the bourn supremacy
Replies: 11
Views: 14838

by Jun
2004-09-23 6:19
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 健身一月琐记
Replies: 31
Views: 34690

by Jun
2004-09-23 6:18
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 后悔
Replies: 44
Views: 46222

印度菜里用香料之复杂, 可以写本武侠小说了!
by Jun
2004-09-22 6:21
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 健身一月琐记
Replies: 31
Views: 34690

有一种器械比跑步机受欢迎,两只手抓着杆子前后摇,脚是上下滑动的踏板,不知道米国叫什么?这里叫"云中漫步"机 ,教练说相对于跑步机,在运动的时候缓和腿部压力.
Elliptical machine. 据说是很烧热量的, 不过我也觉得枯燥. 我还是喜欢在有树的小路上跑步, 听不见来往的汽车声让人烦躁.
by Jun
2004-09-21 13:30
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 商业大片的DOS和XP
Replies: 5
Views: 8661

她坦承在Swordfish里脱衣是为了片酬, 猫女应该也是同样原因...
by Jun
2004-09-21 12:41
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 商业大片的DOS和XP
Replies: 5
Views: 8661

Halle Berry真是美女, 不过到底给我发现她的缺陷了: 腿短. 自从看过Monster's Ball以后, 我不得不承认她是会演戏的, 绝对不是花瓶.
by Jun
2004-09-21 5:54
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 后悔
Replies: 44
Views: 46222

有hot chocolate还要谢绝, 这个MM不寻常啊. 换了我早就飞身扑上了.
by Jun
2004-09-21 5:49
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 商业大片的DOS和XP
Replies: 5
Views: 8661

Catwoman出来后被影评狂批, 大概年底raspberry(最差)影片奖能抱回好几个.
by Jun
2004-09-20 13:24
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 后悔
Replies: 44
Views: 46222

I just had lunch and feeling real full right now. Let me save it for later...
by Jun
2004-09-20 8:33
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 蓝牙
Replies: 17
Views: 26865

在一家黎巴嫩馆子里吃过西红柿炖茄子的凉菜, 好吃极了.

我发现我越来越没兴趣吃中菜馆子了. 或许是因为本地中菜馆太一般.
by Jun
2004-09-20 7:08
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 美国小姐
Replies: 7
Views: 10459

没打算看的, 但是瞄到一眼, 见他们竟然搞什么知识问答, 我昏倒. 真是缘木求鱼. 那些竞选的小姐们不负期望, 果然把很简单的问题都答错了. :-D

最后的前五名几乎全是Southern Belles. What is this? Revenge for the Civil War?
by Jun
2004-09-16 14:02
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: U.S. Open 男单决赛
Replies: 45
Views: 44030

说到花钱, 美国小孩子那些运动都挺厉害的, 尤其是男孩子的冰球橄榄球, 女孩子的花样滑冰, 老天, 光是服装器材什么的就负担不起了.
by Jun
2004-09-16 13:24
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 读书报告
Replies: 18
Views: 23169

Taurus is also a constellation among the stars and a zodiac sign. More likely Ford got the name from there, although Greek mythology was probably the origin of the constellation's name. You know what happened to the princess who gave him the thread and got him out of the labyrinth? He took her away ...
by Jun
2004-09-16 12:51
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 读书报告
Replies: 18
Views: 23169

The Color Purple. The movie was directed by Steven Spielberg (Yes. THAT Spielberg.) The main actors include Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey (Yes. THAT Oprah.), and Danny Glover.
by Jun
2004-09-16 9:30
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 读书报告
Replies: 18
Views: 23169

The Color Purple by Alice Walker?
by Jun
2004-09-15 15:27
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 秋天
Replies: 53
Views: 54470

莴巨没买到过, 英文叫什么? 中国店韩国店里有吗?
by Jun
2004-09-15 14:33
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: U.S. Open 男单决赛
Replies: 45
Views: 44030

by Jun
2004-09-15 14:28
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 大力士的基因
Replies: 22
Views: 27897

肌肉当然会越来越少啦, 所以减肥对中年人才这么难嘛. 据说一年要流失掉一磅多的瘦肉呢. 现代化的生活, 肩不挑手不提的, 成天坐着, 肌肉只有越来越少了.

心脏肌肉不同于骨骼肌, 它不会分裂长新的, 死了就死了, 所以心肌梗塞后死掉一块就长不回来啦.
by Jun
2004-09-15 14:22
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: U.S. Open 男单决赛
Replies: 45
Views: 44030

Tim Henmen那个上网, 我看也平平, 我倒更喜欢Justine Henin-Hardenne的上网技术呢. 总体来说Henmen就是mediocre, 啥都mediocre.
by Jun
2004-09-15 14:15
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: U.S. Open 男单决赛
Replies: 45
Views: 44030

Henmen thinks his volleys are that good? Give me a break! :-P Who the heck does he think he is?! He never struck me as having delicate wrists and sharp instincts (for predicting the return). Federer's volleys are way better. Even Taylor Dent isn't too bad. I don't like Sampras, so perhaps I'm just b...
by Jun
2004-09-15 13:33
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: U.S. Open 男单决赛
Replies: 45
Views: 44030

I stand by my opinion that Sampras has just one weapon -- first serve.
by Jun
2004-09-15 6:45
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: U.S. Open 男单决赛
Replies: 45
Views: 44030

Roddick's serve looks EXACTLY like Boris Baker's! I didn't realize this until USA Network had Baker on and showed a clip of his old games.