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by Jun
2007-05-31 13:35
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [讨论]一个选择
Replies: 57
Views: 39262

It's not genes! Things just accumulate in the house without my conscious knowledge. I do a lot more throwing out than bringing in, yet they still grow in quantity for no reason.
by Jun
2007-05-31 13:22
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [讨论]一个选择
Replies: 57
Views: 39262

不象吗?为什么我买个床买个电脑都要反复犹豫痛苦折腾好久捏? :evil:
by Jun
2007-05-31 9:14
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [讨论]一个选择
Replies: 57
Views: 39262

You just went white water rafting.

Your dear husband might have something to say about your complaints. :mrgreen:
by Jun
2007-05-31 7:26
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [讨论]一个选择
Replies: 57
Views: 39262

I did when I was young and had a number of issues and problems in my life but didn't know how to deal with them.

When I have worked on and resolved most of these issues, funny enough, I don't want to 出去流浪 any more.

But that's just me. :mrgreen:
by Jun
2007-05-31 6:54
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

I have been thinking about Goya since the day I saw his Pinturas Negras in Prado, and I have been scribbling thoughts on scraps of paper now and then, but I still cannot form a coherent thought about him. Thanks to Karen for recommending Robert Hughes' book and pointing me to Goya's etching. I don't...
by Jun
2007-05-31 6:29
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]Your Name Here
Replies: 5
Views: 5152

I suppose a thick skin is mandatory for being Frank Gehry. He must have taken a lot of shit over the years since he was a nobody. :mrgreen: I do like his stuff in photos. Without seeing any of his works live I can't say with all honesty whether I love them or not. I guess I like them as much as I li...
by Jun
2007-05-30 15:16
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [讨论]一个选择
Replies: 57
Views: 39262

其实我觉得sinca 现在正是大好时候,面临这么多新鲜的机会和可能性,人生有这么多选择余地,可进可退。不象咱中年人,一条道儿已经走得老远,折回来也不成了,只好继续走下去。急什么?又不是等米下锅。越是急着做决定越容易没想好就胡乱抓一条未必合适的路,结果没两天就后悔。不如先缓一缓,弄明白自己的思想,打开自己的结,搞清楚自己想要什么看重什么,然后其他一切迎刃而解。

你们说的我不太同意。两地分居是没法培养感情的,况且sinca 又不是热烈投入手中的工作。正好换换空气哈。
by Jun
2007-05-30 15:04
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [讨论]一个选择
Replies: 57
Views: 39262

What if sinca's boyfriend lives in New York City and she can find a lot better jobs than her current blah job? :mrgreen:
by Jun
2007-05-30 14:53
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [讨论]一个选择
Replies: 57
Views: 39262

I disagree with xiao K. :mrgreen:
by Jun
2007-05-30 12:53
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

Nah. Next summer it has to be St. Petersberg -- the white nights, Hermitage, that stuff. I've been planning for 3 years.

Yeah, I know, you're going to laugh at the museum junkie again. :dog001:
by Jun
2007-05-30 9:56
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [讨论]一个选择
Replies: 57
Views: 39262

而且世界上并非只有两条路:左边一条,右边一条,非得选一不可,还有the road less traveled一说呢。又不是考选择题,只有一个标准答案答对了就是终生happily ever after。有时候,与其急忙着选一个正确答案,不如退一步,换个问题问问自己。
by Jun
2007-05-30 7:15
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [讨论]一个选择
Replies: 57
Views: 39262

by Jun
2007-05-30 7:03
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

是是是,我们住的公寓就在音乐宫后面的一条小巷里,往南钻几分钟就到了Catalina市场了,里面很新很干净,不过没La Boqueria那么大那么丰富。我们也是偶然撞上的。Placa Reial 是不是政府楼那里,Catedral 背后?去过好几次,很多老街小巷,有一天傍晚还看见有人集会什么的,大批警察在那里。 我可没Linda那么好福气,在欧洲都住腻了,熟悉到"处处相似"的厌烦感。我的确是体力不行了,看一天普拉多就顶不住了,脑力也不够用,下午看完Reina Sofia,就把上午的Thyssen内容忘了大半。在New Zealand 的时候,三个礼拜结束时又想继续玩又庆幸终于能回家休息了。旅行的...
by Jun
2007-05-30 6:18
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 死线的重要性2
Replies: 12
Views: 14631

啧啧啧,这边中年人士摇头叹气。 :f22:
by Jun
2007-05-29 15:59
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

6 months? I can't even do 6 weeks. Of course I'm very greedy and tend to overdo it when I go on vacation -- try to cram as many sights as possible in a couple of weeks. Still, even if you try to take it easy, it's pretty tough moving from one place to another. It's an age thing. I deeply regret not ...
by Jun
2007-05-29 11:58
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 阴谋理论一毛钱一打
Replies: 46
Views: 30693

Personally I have no idea how much is intelligent design and how much is pure natural progression. I'm sure it's somewhere in between. But it's generally true in US that economic interests are closely tied with politics (campaign financing, for example, and all the congressmen and senators who immed...
by Jun
2007-05-29 11:43
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 阴谋理论一毛钱一打
Replies: 46
Views: 30693

What conspiracy? Isn't all this public knowledge?
by Jun
2007-05-29 9:36
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 阴谋理论一毛钱一打
Replies: 46
Views: 30693

No I have not read the book. Actually I know very little about what's in the book. Eager to read your review!

But I am a cynic and totally believe in the power of self-interest.
by Jun
2007-05-29 9:24
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 阴谋理论一毛钱一打
Replies: 46
Views: 30693

by Jun
2007-05-29 6:12
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [教学]心理咨询上的一些基本概念
Replies: 12
Views: 18889

我说的这个是美国的系统,在美国开处方药的权力有很多限制,所以基本上只有MD+本州行医执照才可以。其他国家的法律规定和分类肯定会有所不同,有些严格些,有些可能完全不存在。我听说在比利时基本上什么人都可以挂牌当psychotherapist,或者counselor,即使你是voodoo巫师。找心理咨询师时完全可以并且应该询问ta的教育背景,文凭和证书,有过什么样的临床经验,等等,如果你觉得不可靠,就别去。每个国家都有专业协会,例如全国心理治疗师协会,医学协会,精神科医学协会之类的,他们会有最正规可靠的信息,帮你搞清楚这方面的资格,分类,规定,等等,而且他们经常会有合格成员的名册供你查寻参考。 不管...
by Jun
2007-05-28 18:22
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [教学]心理咨询上的一些基本概念
Replies: 12
Views: 18889


因为有些人问我,所以公开地集中回答一些基本的概念,希望有帮助。 Psychiatrist是指上过医学院,考过行医执照,附合医生协会/法律规定,有执照的正式医生,一般受过精神病方面的训练(医学院毕业后四年residency)。他们可以开处方药,住院治疗主要是他们管,也在门诊看病。名字后面带M.D.头衔只说明是医学院毕业,不包括毕业后训练,要看他是否Board Certified啥啥的,或者是Fellowship of 啥啥的专科才能说明他们的专家训练。 Psychologist包括拿到研究生心理学位的人,一般指Ph.D. in psychology,四到五年的训练,包括实习,包括论文。他们不能开...
by Jun
2007-05-28 11:58
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

我只看了普拉多里的几幅El Greco,他有很多东西在Toledo但是如我所说我们没去成。我过去根本不知道El Greco是谁,也没留意到毛姆对他的赞美,只是一眼之下直觉"comic books"!

我这里的评论都是个人主观印象加小道八卦,艺术史和主流评论的没有。 :mrgreen: 欢迎正宗的学术评论和指正。
by Jun
2007-05-27 13:26
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

What's wrong with 市民气? More economic development and cheerful, unabashed liveliness. That's not inferior to any "old money." Snobbery is a lot more 市民气 and tiresome.
by Jun
2007-05-26 6:54
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 柿子要捡软的捏
Replies: 10
Views: 8421

Amazed? 这不是二三十年都这样?美国媒体里真正敢攻击掌权者/政治人物的只有Fox News一家,而他们家就是保守派的狗腿子,专咬一切敢对共和党说一个不字的人。其他的没一个敢放半个P,一放就有保守派出来喊"Liberal bias"。Riza 是阿拉伯血统,非美国公民,跟Wolfowitz是非婚而恋,被Wolfie搞到美国的国务院,普通美国公民都要经过层层审查通过security clearance的地方,这件事情里看上去光鲜闻上去臭的地方,你自己下结论吧。我是liberal,倒不会反对人非婚而恋或者认为只要是阿拉伯血统就有国家机密的嫌疑,不过那些成天吵吵家庭价值的保守派卫道士们都跑哪儿去...
by Jun
2007-05-25 18:16
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 柿子要捡软的捏
Replies: 10
Views: 8421

Riza is a British citizen of Arabic blood. Funny how nobody dares to report on this. I don't support ethnic profiling, but just compare the media's treatment of her origin with their treatment of Barak Obama's heritage and endless digging about his childhood, middle name, father's religion, etc. etc.
by Jun
2007-05-25 17:29
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]NPR: Rethinking Thin
Replies: 0
Views: 6741

[分享]NPR: Rethinking Thin Some subjects are perpetually discussed. People simply cannot stop talking about them, especially women. Money, children, marriage, relationships, and, in today's world, being thin. It proves that regardless of how much we consider oursel...
by Jun
2007-05-25 12:39
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

Not my photos.


by Jun
2007-05-25 9:00
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

Where is that? London?

Take a look at the ceilings of Sevilla Cathedral. Wavy and curvy. You can only see it from the bell tower. Also the many many bridges and arches on top made it distinctive.

by Jun
2007-05-25 8:03
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672



A couple of photos of the Sevilla Cathedral.
by Jun
2007-05-25 7:42
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

by Jun
2007-05-24 13:37
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

Some photos: Gaudi's Sagrada Familia. I was quite surprised when the night photo I took came out all right. St. George slaying the ceramic dragon in Park Guell. Also by Gaudi. http...
by Jun
2007-05-22 11:25
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 有趣的店之EDGE*NY
Replies: 16
Views: 16011

The first one -- the kind of skirt is last season's fashion. Is it still in this season?

Not that I know anything about what's in, but I saw the style flooding the streets of Florence last spring.
by Jun
2007-05-22 6:24
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]走近蔡澜 (by 金庸)
Replies: 4
Views: 4654

by Jun
2007-05-21 14:55
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 相对论
Replies: 34
Views: 24743

OK the only conclusion I got from all this is that WOMEN NEED WOMEN FRIENDS. Men can go on in life without any close friends, but women simply can't get by without a few confidante -- preferrably more than one. :mrgreen:
by Jun
2007-05-21 7:13
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

OK. I'll try.

Washington Post happens to have an article about Barcelona this weekend: ... ravelpromo
by Jun
2007-05-19 18:18
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 印度小娘二三事
Replies: 76
Views: 50694

Gee, xiao K, I didn't know you were such an SATC fan.

The ignorant ol' me watch you girls in awe...
by Jun
2007-05-19 5:25
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

by Jun
2007-05-18 9:29
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

马德里的表演听起来相当不错,你们是怎么找到的?有没有剧场和演出名称?我什么时候也要去看。某人从前经常去马德里的时候,光听说斗牛怎么精彩了。 我还收着马德里那家的票子,翻出来了,原来叫Casa Patas (Flamenco en vivo). 据说他们有几个常驻的乐手但是经常有巡回艺术家,也就是到处乱跑赶场的热货。如果花五十块包括晚餐就能坐在靠近舞台的座位里;象我们这种贪便宜花三十块只看不吃的就只好往后坐了。不过地方本来就小,挤得满满的,再远也不算远。 在塞维亚看的那家就没满坐,地方也大些。是在Plaza Santa Cruz上的一家。另一处没有吃喝的,institute of flamen...
by Jun
2007-05-18 7:01
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

Uh ... :oops: It was rootless speculation. You got me. I did go to Sevilla, which is the most beautiful of all three cities. The entire town was blooming -- which unfortunately spelled my demise. I had never had such severe allergy. The first day was OK, but on the second day I could barely get outd...
by Jun
2007-05-17 15:25
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

今天就到这里吧。下面讲什么好呢?讲我最难忘的Goya黑画还是高第的几个建筑?还是说说Thyssen Bornamisze美术馆,我平生见过的最稀奇最古怪的收藏?
by Jun
2007-05-17 13:55
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

又松又香, 不油也不甜 I forgot to mention that we did indeed have ONE such fantastic breakfast. In Barcelona, we took Bus Turistic and hopped off at one of the suburban stop (Serria or something) because I was hungry. We went into their market and had the cakes recommended by the bus driver. The auntie at th...
by Jun
2007-05-17 13:30
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

I'm sure it's an issue of personal taste. I love shellfish too, but some of them I had was too salty for me.

When it comes to rice, my favorite is Iranian, long grain rice with a bit of canola oil, salt, and a touch of saffron.
by Jun
2007-05-17 11:46
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 西班牙游记: Epilogue
Replies: 86
Views: 121672

西班牙游记: Epilogue

1. 吃 西班牙点心tapas这几年在本地红了一阵,我也吃过几次,觉得马马虎虎,估计是不正宗的结果。到了西班牙吃了正宗的tapas,发现原来的确不是我那杯茶。优点在于材料新鲜,且海鲜品种多,几次吃到的鱿鱼墨鱼章鱼,都肉质肥嫩象黄油一样。腌的大红椒也挺爽口。 我们都不会西班牙语,更别提Catalan话了,在点菜时深恨准备不够,两眼一抹黑。结果还是去了好几家有英文版菜谱的地方,想必不算最地道的。 总体感觉是还不错,但没有惊艳的感觉,不象在意大利的时候,随时胡乱抓到的饭馆小店,都让我们念念不忘。同去的两个女友,明明没我馋,却把去年在翡冷翠吃的菜记得比我还清楚。为什么不太惊艳呢?我的主观感觉是:太咸。...
by Jun
2007-05-16 16:03
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]路人潘长江
Replies: 16
Views: 19970

I don't remember seeing the fanny pack. I saw him at la Bourqueria, checking out the food vendor he recommends in the book. He is very tall. He was very nice and took pictures with my friends and I. Seems like a sweet person. He had an assistant, Jose, with him, perhaps his interpreter.
by Jun
2007-05-16 15:32
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]钧家意式番茄米饭(risotto con tomato e basilico)
Replies: 24
Views: 33436

Seeing it in real life, S.F. isn't as bad as I thought, but I still think it's too elaborate. In comparison, Casa Mila and Casa Batllo are a lot more manageable. I think he got so obsessed with SF that he just got carried away. OTOH, the later design (the Passion Fascade) is totally wrong.
by Jun
2007-05-15 21:05
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]牛市小股民惨状大爆光
Replies: 26
Views: 22617

Roth IRA -- yes you can withdraw the contribution after 5 years.
by Jun
2007-05-15 20:47
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]小食谭记:羊肉串
Replies: 34
Views: 27286

I like Bourdain's uninhibited cynicism and unapologetic intellectualism. And his fake nastiness and the heart beneath it. He is enthusiastic about the exotic foods, but I actually prefer the nonfood subtext in his writing and TV programs (I've not read "A Chef's Tour" but have seen "No Reservations"...
by Jun
2007-05-15 20:33
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]牛市小股民惨状大爆光
Replies: 26
Views: 22617

You can't withdraw the money but you can trade within the tax-deferred account among different funds.
by Jun
2007-05-15 20:31
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 威尼斯的魅惑
Replies: 11
Views: 26213

I've seen one of the episodes on BBC America. Too sketchy for my taste. Not enough depth. Too short.
by Jun
2007-05-15 20:30
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]路人潘长江
Replies: 16
Views: 19970

Talk about celebrity encounters, I ran into Rick Steves on the first day in Barcelona. Does that count?