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by Jun
2007-01-31 16:30
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]Slate/Undercover Economist: Polygamy
Replies: 16
Views: 13378

Nah. My all-time favorite theory is "Homosexuality in women is all in your head." :mrgreen: And "Universal homosexual tendencies in men"...
by Jun
2007-01-31 16:06
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]Slate/Undercover Economist: Polygamy
Replies: 16
Views: 13378

It's perfectly logical when the argument is confined within the small set of variables and assumptions. Of course, it's wrong, but it's still as logical as 1+1=2. My point is that absurdity can come out of logic, so beware of arguments that sound reasonable. Most popular theories sound reasonable bu...
by Jun
2007-01-31 8:23
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]Slate/Undercover Economist: Polygamy
Replies: 16
Views: 13378

Of course it is beyond stupid to apply market theory to the mating game. But it's funny. Besides provoking a spanking from you, I also want to demonstrate, by presenting these theories that are obviously wrong, that people tend to come up with and buy into theories that seem to be PERFECTLY LOGICAL ...
by Jun
2007-01-29 10:34
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: Fascinating Figure
Replies: 6
Views: 10279

I read Washington Post because it's local for me. I live here.
by Jun
2007-01-29 10:33
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]Slate/Undercover Economist: Polygamy
Replies: 16
Views: 13378

[分享]Slate/Undercover Economist: Polygamy

In the spirit of tongue-in-cheek extremist arguments, I'm posting this article from Slate so that I don't have to get spankings by Knowing and Xiaoxixi (which I greatly enjoy if only they are willing to dispense it to me :mrgreen: ). I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do The economic case for polygamy. By Tim Harf...
by Jun
2007-01-26 22:06
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]美女与钻石
Replies: 21
Views: 15145

我不行了,对Stephen Colbert的本事有了新的敬仰。It's damned hard to argue for something I don't believe in. 至少,我可以为自己辩护说,我并不是要欺骗别人,而是想试一试 stretch my mind. 我就不能设身处地地想象一下跟我意见相反的人的理论吗?即使他们是错的,也有自圆其说的方面吧? 但是上面我自己提出的假设,最终还是不能自圆其说,只好收回。 小K说得对,rape 跟爱慕美女毫无关系。即使不在乱世,rapists也不会搞什么挑三拣四,他们并不是因为受害者挑逗了他们,被美貌吸引,才激发了犯罪和暴力的欲望。rapis...
by Jun
2007-01-26 10:34
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [读书报告]扶桑
Replies: 16
Views: 17342

At the end of this novel, the narrator's voice who presents Fu Sang's story throughout the book -- obviously the author herself since she makes no attempt to present the narrator as a fictional character and the narrator tells the reader she is a Chinese expat living in US in the present time with a...
by Jun
2007-01-26 9:58
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [读书报告]扶桑
Replies: 16
Views: 17342

:shock: Really? Hmm. That explains a lot!
by Jun
2007-01-26 9:58
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: Fascinating Figure
Replies: 6
Views: 10279

Faaaacinating! :love011:
by Jun
2007-01-25 20:22
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [影片]My Favorites of 2006
Replies: 12
Views: 15337

I saw The Painted Veil with a couple of friends last night. Before the show, we were all VERY impressed with the trailer of Indigenes (I REFUSE to call it by the English distribution title, Roads to Glory--not out of pomposity but because I believe "The Natives" is so much more meaningful). I'm not ...
by Jun
2007-01-25 16:19
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [读书报告]扶桑
Replies: 16
Views: 17342

Oh man this game of crying wolf is not funny any more.

All right, I confess. This time I am totally and 100% serious. I really need to get this green puss off my chest. I have never hated a book so passionately. :BloodyK:
by Jun
2007-01-25 15:55
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [读书报告]扶桑
Replies: 16
Views: 17342


曾经有一段时间,我会时不时地重复做一个恶梦。在梦里我一个人坐在黑屋子里看电视,正遇到放映一部恐怖片,非常可怕。我很想跑掉或者至少换个台,但是浑身都好象僵住了一样,动弹不得,只能睁着眼看着屏幕,连头都挪不开。 昨晚在本地图书馆胡乱借了本严歌苓的小说看,结果感受类似这个恶梦。一边看一边感觉到自己难以忍受的讨厌,但是象得了强迫症一样哗哗地快速翻完了,却不能半路扔掉。这本小说实在是我记忆中最难看最恶心最烂的书--从小到大,我看过的书估计也有上千本了吧?或许几千本也说不定,这本书留下的印象真是。。。空前(但愿)绝后。 虽然恶人谷不是国内网站,大概也还是有人看,我不太好意思在这里说措辞太强烈的话批判这本小...
by Jun
2007-01-25 12:56
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]美女与钻石
Replies: 21
Views: 15145

by Jun
2007-01-25 11:00
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]美女与钻石
Replies: 21
Views: 15145

that doesn't mean I would go out find the pretty girls and pursuade them to cut their faces and destroy their natural blessings so that they won't be eaten or violated just in case.
Neither do I. Just for the record. We are living in good times after all.
by Jun
2007-01-25 10:50
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]美女与钻石
Replies: 21
Views: 15145

Oh come on! Are you kidding? Do you really believe that harrassers and rapists do not favor more beautiful objects? Getting aroused have nothing to do with the most primitive sense of what's desirable in the opposite sex? Popular psychobabble infected with wishful-thinking shallow feminism likes to ...
by Jun
2007-01-25 10:41
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]美女与钻石
Replies: 21
Views: 15145

It is precisely NOT like money. Money can be put in a bank and spent little by little. You can invest and spend and manage money carefully. You can earn money through your own cunning and skills. It's somewhat within your control. Let's say, 2 women walk down a dark alley in a neighborhood of Rio de...
by Jun
2007-01-25 10:36
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]美女与钻石
Replies: 21
Views: 15145

Argh! I have still failed to convey this to you. I'm not talking about beautiful women in 乱世!
by Jun
2007-01-25 10:12
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]美女与钻石
Replies: 21
Views: 15145

自我批评一下哈,我没把话说明白。穷人得大钻石,不能立刻兑现成钱,怎么买枪?再说光有枪也没用,尤其是从来没用过枪的不习惯暴力的人。如果不用钻石打比方,你可以想象一幅阁楼里的凡高也可以--不能吃不能穿不能立刻兑成现金而且有大把流氓觊觎。 我的比方是:穷人在乱世对--美女在强权男性社会,不是美女在乱世。你们眼睛就盯着那几个名人,陈圆圆,被各色各样的杀人如麻的土匪们轮流强奸,很开心吗?有好东西放在那里自然会吸引各色的流氓坏蛋流口水, 如果再处于vulnerable的地位就比没好东西更危险。但是如果不处于vulnerable 地位就是好事,例如女权高涨法制社会等于给拿钻石的穷人配了枪。 美女在父权专制的...
by Jun
2007-01-25 7:59
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]美女与钻石
Replies: 21
Views: 15145


太阳从西边出来了,Jun 要聊两个她从来不碰的话题。 冬天起床是一天最痛苦的时候,迷糊之中经常有希奇古怪的念头冒出来,今天的念头是:原来美貌之于女人,类似一颗大钻石之于穷光蛋。在平安富庶的社会环境里,从天而降的 一颗大钻石能给穷人带来好处,让他发达过上好日子,出人头地;在动荡贫穷的乱世就惨了,多半只能带来被强人觊觎,横尸后巷的下场,倒不如他的穷邻居朋友能保住平安命运。美女在文明和有秩序的环境里肯定比条件类似但相貌普通的常人好处多多,左右逢源,但是在恶劣的环境里(高度父权社会,女性被强烈压迫),命运多半会比平常女人更糟糕。我比较同意道家的看法,在森林被大砍特砍时,长得又高又直的树先被割倒,而生得...
by Jun
2007-01-25 7:42
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]女人的故事,男人的故事
Replies: 34
Views: 24183

笑嘻嘻你错了,我后面的就是要说非alpha男人和女人是基本上一样的。我可以肯定,如果没有sex and children,男人可以自己好好过下去,再也不需要女人。女人嘛,大概也差不多,可以自己跟自己好好过下去,不过我没那么肯定而已。只不过,这是最可笑的假设,因为人类和其他一切物种一样,存在只为了sex and children,如果没有这个,一切都没有意义。所以我提的问题本来就是胡扯。
by Jun
2007-01-24 14:10
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]女人的故事,男人的故事
Replies: 34
Views: 24183

You mean Al Swearengen? Milch is the writer. He's mighty good at manipulation -- manipulating the audience into loving Al despite his meanness. :mrgreen: Milch, based on the interviews on the DVD, is definitely not an alpha man. But he knows how people instinctively love the image of a powerful man ...
by Jun
2007-01-24 13:51
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 南国雨夜
Replies: 42
Views: 28590

Yeah it's the perfect example of why 赤裸裸的诱惑,钱和更多的钱 are so boring.
by Jun
2007-01-24 13:48
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]女人的故事,男人的故事
Replies: 34
Views: 24183

I don't. I hate authority figures.

Deadwood is SO NOT about competition and dominance. David Milch is SO NOT an alpha male.
by Jun
2007-01-24 13:46
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 南国雨夜
Replies: 42
Views: 28590

For example, the company was initially founded by both Walt and his brother and it was called Disney Brothers. At some point Walt forced his brother out to take total control and cut his name out of the company name. Also he ran the company like a cult and gave the creative credit and control to no ...
by Jun
2007-01-24 13:38
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]女人的故事,男人的故事
Replies: 34
Views: 24183

I 've seen more lives troubled by reading than by drinking At least I'm a danger to only myself while drinking is a danger to self and others. Don't feel sorry for me though. I was destroyed irreversibly by books since I was 4 years old. 男人传播基因的本能似乎没有女人强 I so disagree with this statement. Can you s...
by Jun
2007-01-24 13:20
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 南国雨夜
Replies: 42
Views: 28590

Wait a minute. Disney is not just a park for kids. I went to a book signing event a while ago by the author of a recent exhaustive biography on Walt Disney. It's neither a glowing hero worship nor demonization of Disney, but the stuff he revealed about how Disney ran his operation and his megalomani...
by Jun
2007-01-24 13:00
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 南国雨夜
Replies: 42
Views: 28590

I'm glad to see I'm not the only person who thinks Disney is evil.
by Jun
2007-01-24 13:00
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]女人的故事,男人的故事
Replies: 34
Views: 24183

说真的,最近因为读James Tiptree, Ursula LeGuin,花了点脑汁反省了一下自己的gender politics和偏见。一方面认识共性,一方面尊重个性,把人首先当个体的人来看待而不是一上来就帖标签,这是一条很细的线,太细了而经常都不知道它在哪儿。人民大众,普通男和普通女,其实比我们想象得要近似得多,但是人就喜欢盯着那点不同,喜欢找抢眼的新鲜的不同的地方拿出来说事儿,就好象0.2%的不同也成了种族斗争的正大理由,相煎何急?阿尔法男毕竟是少数,虽然他们的权力声音比谁都大,普通男和普通女都向往羡慕拜倒他们脚下,这才是人类的共同劣根性。
by Jun
2007-01-24 12:20
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 电器黑拇指
Replies: 48
Views: 33095

trading off functionality for appearance
Keep in mind that appearance and the elitist feeling come with a premium in price! You pay more for an apple to do essentially the same thing.
by Jun
2007-01-24 12:17
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 南国雨夜
Replies: 42
Views: 28590

I really hate Orlando. Not as much as I hate Las Vegas but close.
by Jun
2007-01-24 12:16
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [影片]My Favorites of 2006
Replies: 12
Views: 15337

Nah. Rome is just another excellent TV series, but Deadwood is ... peerless.
by Jun
2007-01-24 12:14
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]文抄公:Crimes and Misdemeanors
Replies: 6
Views: 8241

Nope, but sounds like an interesting one. But it probably doesn't have the body count you like.
by Jun
2007-01-24 12:13
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]女人的故事,男人的故事
Replies: 34
Views: 24183

Oh, come on. What's the fun if we all agree with each other? Fabvalley has been awfully quiet lately. 一言堂 is so boring.

I've decided to be an advocate for our fellow male human beings from now on!
by Jun
2007-01-24 7:59
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]女人的故事,男人的故事
Replies: 34
Views: 24183

Oh I totally support people disagreeing with my 大胆的假设. In fact I don't even agree with this theory. Your explanation is very plausible. It was a thought, a hypothesis, that I throw out to provoke some reaction. It might be a little crazy and a little nutty, but I have to admit I intended to (potenti...
by Jun
2007-01-23 23:28
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]女人的故事,男人的故事
Replies: 34
Views: 24183

What? What? Are we so scared of a little blasphemous talk? Can't I put forth a bit of wild speculation without logic or evidence? Is it so unimaginable to suggest that, if we take sex and procreation out of the equation, men might find it easier to live without women then women find it to live witho...
by Jun
2007-01-23 22:54
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [读书报告]The Left Hand of Darkness
Replies: 3
Views: 3414

by Jun
2007-01-23 21:20
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]文抄公:Crimes and Misdemeanors
Replies: 6
Views: 8241

Sigh. You have to see the movie. It sounds like 说教, but really it's a debate. I'm tired of works that are so afraid of philosophical debate that they feed everybody candy.

I'm not presenting it the right way. :nono:
by Jun
2007-01-23 20:45
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 南国雨夜
Replies: 42
Views: 28590

by Jun
2007-01-23 20:42
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]文抄公:Crimes and Misdemeanors
Replies: 6
Views: 8241

[分享]文抄公:Crimes and Misdemeanors

刚看完DVD,这部片子可比Match Point好得多了,但是太多说教,又没有俊男美女,传统观众不爱看。剧本实在是很dense,我简直想大段大段抄下来做笔记。抄一两段放这里意思意思: Last time I was inside a woman it was when I was in the Statute of Liberty. "I'll pray for your brother, but if he can punch it helps." Uncle Sal: Must everything be logical? ... Aunt May: Are you tell me tha...
by Jun
2007-01-22 16:11
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 推荐: 我杀...... (tbc)
Replies: 1
Views: 3397

It sounds pretty twisted and gruesome. I don't know if I have the stomach to take it any more...
by Jun
2007-01-22 11:56
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [读书报告]The Left Hand of Darkness
Replies: 3
Views: 3414

No no no no! Not at all. Just ... love. (Wah! Soundds so cheesy!)
by Jun
2007-01-22 9:11
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [读书报告]The Left Hand of Darkness
Replies: 3
Views: 3414

[读书报告]The Left Hand of Darkness

终于读了这本书。我一边看一边 :cry: 好几次。 强烈推荐,但是不能保证你会喜欢。喜欢与否跟个人的观念和理想和世界观有很大关系。 不,这不是一本feminist 的书,更不是对性别和性行为的讨论,甚至不是特别关于女性的。这是一个关于爱情的故事。 实际上,这个故事里面一个女人也没有--所有的人物都是用男性代词称呼的。主角Genly Ai先生是一个地球联盟特派员,派到寒冷的星球"冬天"上跟当地政府谈判邀请他们加入联盟(自由贸易而已,无军事和政治上的关系),他是个如假包换的男人。另一个主角Estraven是本地人,万人之上一人之下的首相/总理,因为政治斗争中失败而被流放到外国,他是。。。也是男也是...
by Jun
2007-01-21 22:42
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]女人的故事,男人的故事
Replies: 34
Views: 24183

All right, I said 说出来一定会被人扁. It was a joke, an idle speculation, and a crazy extrapolation intended to offend. :-P
by Jun
2007-01-21 17:28
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]女人的故事,男人的故事
Replies: 34
Views: 24183

But even today, even movies that are written directed and played by women, men always have a prominent place in the story -- even things like "Fried Green Tomato," Steel Magnolia, Nine to Five, Notes on a Scandal, Lovely and Amazing, Friends with Money, etc. Men always have a meaningful place in wom...
by Jun
2007-01-21 17:20
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 铸错
Replies: 10
Views: 10625

by Jun
2007-01-21 16:53
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 读后感:月亮和6便士,艺术宗教
Replies: 23
Views: 31813

by Jun
2007-01-21 9:00
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 梦回德里
Replies: 27
Views: 38190

by Jun
2007-01-20 22:50
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]女人的故事,男人的故事
Replies: 34
Views: 24183


前阵子不是说男女之别么?于是我又开始胡思乱想,然后拿到这儿来胡说八道。话说老子在The New Yorker上看见倒霉的Anthony Lane评论电影Volver的话,真是气不打一处来。我有种强烈的怀疑,Lane不喜欢这部电影是因为看不惯这是一部明目张胆的女性影片,里面一家三代女人,坚强自立,互相扶持,一点不靠男人援手也活得好好的。听着Lane字里行间的就对此不忿,又不好发作--爱慕杜华虽然是弯的可仍然是如假包换的老爷们儿,终究怪不得那些自鸣得意自以为解放了的傻女人的傻主意。又讨论到,如果象Children of Men或者James Tiptree, Jr.编的那样儿,明天真的男人不需要女...
by Jun
2007-01-19 23:38
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 读中感:snobs tbc
Replies: 14
Views: 12067

What annoyed me about PD James is really her plotting. Too many twists that had not a whiff of believability. She is too high brow for anything less than abstract and the purest intellectual debate on paper. Of course within her genre realism is sneered upon and perhaps even despised, but I'm a poli...
by Jun
2007-01-19 23:32
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [影片]My Favorites of 2006
Replies: 12
Views: 15337

A friend of mine saw it and liked it a lot. She's Romanian and found it particularly interesting. Perhaps we Chinese would also appreciate it more than average American audience. Look forward to seeing it, although I'm a bit weary of heroism nowadays.